
Stainless steel is a champion of recycling. It is one of the key contributors stainless steel makes to sustainability.

Recycled for lasting value

In under three minutes, this video shows stainless steels as a champion of recycling, with around 95% of end-of-life stainless steels being collected and recycled into new stainless steels without loss of quality. Durability and recyclability are two of the key contributions which stainless steels makes to sustainability.

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The global life cycle of stainless steels

Team Stainless has issued a summary of the detailed analysis of stainless steel stocks and flows by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. The analysis concluded that on average 95% of stainless steels are recycled once they reach their end of life.

The summary is available in English, German and Chinese.

Raising awareness of stainless steel recycling

This Team Stainless campaign is designed to inform the public that stainless steel is one of the world’s most recycled materials and that it is recycled more than paper or glass.


Stainless steel: one of the world's most recycled materials.

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Recycling ferritic stainless steel

The purpose of this brochure is to help develop and grow the systematic separation of ferritic stainless steel scrap in the metals recycling chain, both in the factory and at the end-of-life of products.

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