Webinar: Protecting People in Urban Settings

For many people, our daily lives are busy and often hectic. During these busy days do we really have the time to look up and look around at the things that protect or even don’t protect us on a daily basis? The protection of people can be considered from many perspectives including health and hygiene protection, physical safety protection and even mental wellbeing protection. We are frequently bombarded with information about materials and products, but do we always receive the real information we need to make informed judgements?
During this webinar, worldstainless Secretary General Tim Collins will take a look at elements of our daily lives and consider whether as individuals and as a society we are routinely considering and subsequently adopting the best levels of protection for ourselves and our loved ones. It will be come clear during the webinar that stainless steels offer many strengths when we consider the need to protect people during each and every day.
Stainless steels whilst widely used in elements of our society, offer a vast range of economic protection benefits, many of which will not be fully understood or even considered by many people.
Was discussed:
- Superior health and hygiene factors of stainless steels compared to alternative materials
- Physical protection, ie; barrier systems, handrails and the fact that stainless steels can absorb around 1.5 times more impact energy compared to Carbon steels
- Preventing structural failures due to corrosion prevention
- Seismic activity resistance
This webinar has ended. You can watch the recording here.
You can contact us at education@worldstainless.org for more information.